Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Science - Mr. Cox

The 6th graders are working on a research project that will be counted as a test grade.  To assist them with finding the information, below are several resources that the students can use to complete the asssignments.

The entire project is due Monday 4/18/11.

Kelly - Social Studies

Complete the "One year in Treblinka" activity. The assignment is due Thursday, April 14.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Science - Mr. Cox

This week the students have a research project to complete. They will be given class time, however they should also be working to finish it at home. Part of the project is due Wednesday 4/13/11 and the rest issue next Monday 4/18/11. Students can also come to my room before school to work/research.

English: Mrs. Muzny